Surface treatment technology of common stainless steel 3
2018-02-08 23:33:47
(1)There are several kinds of stainless steel coloring methods:
(2)The chemical oxidation coloring method;
(3)The electrochemical oxidation coloring method;
(4)The ion oxide coloring method;
(5)The high temperature oxidation coloring;
(6)The gas phase pyrolysis coloring method.
The simple overview of various methods is as follows:
The chemical oxidation coloring: is in a specific solution, forming a film color by chemical oxidation, a mixture of sodium dichromate method, method, curing method, acid oxidation and alkaline oxidation. Generally, "INCO" is used more, but to ensure that a batch of products have the same color and lustre, it is necessary to use a reference electrode to control it.

(2)The chemical oxidation coloring method;
(3)The electrochemical oxidation coloring method;
(4)The ion oxide coloring method;
(5)The high temperature oxidation coloring;
(6)The gas phase pyrolysis coloring method.
The simple overview of various methods is as follows:
The chemical oxidation coloring: is in a specific solution, forming a film color by chemical oxidation, a mixture of sodium dichromate method, method, curing method, acid oxidation and alkaline oxidation. Generally, "INCO" is used more, but to ensure that a batch of products have the same color and lustre, it is necessary to use a reference electrode to control it.
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