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Experimente o charme luxuoso do estilo barroco em uma taça de vinho!

Esta taça de martini de aço inoxidável cor de cobre é uma combinação impressionante de arte e utensílios funcionais, inspirada no interesse único do estilo barroco. Tal produto não é apenas um elegante recipiente para bebidas, mas também uma homenagem a uma era luxuosa e antiga. Cada centímetro da superfície é gravado com padrões requintados, como se trouxesse o espectador para a atmosfera luxuosa do salão do palácio.

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From these five points, I can see the timing of children adding complementary food

From these five points, I can see the timing of children adding complementary food

2018-11-30 14:23:27
For 4-6 months, the diet is basically based on breast milk or formula, and gradually start to add some complementary food to the baby. The added food can not only meet the baby's nutritional needs, but also can exercise the baby's chewing and swallowing. And digestion and absorption capacity. However, the complementary foods in this period are mainly liquid and mushy foods, and will gradually transition to harder foods in the future. It is not feasible for your baby to eat only breast milk during this month. Although the weight of the baby will increase, the vitamins and iron will not be enough, eventually leading to anemia and decreased resistance. Children who don't feed complementary foods are not very strong, their muscles are slack, and their baby will feel apathy and their moods are not good. Therefore, the addition of complementary food is necessary, of course, there are individual differences between the baby, we only need to grasp these five points to know whether it is necessary to add complementary food to the child.

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First point: look at your baby's weight
Generally, your baby's weight needs to be more than 2 times that of birth, or at least 6 kilograms. You can consider adding complementary food to your child.

The second point: look at the baby's daily development
At this time, the baby can basically control the head and upper body, and can hold or sit on it, the baby's chest can stand up, and the head can stand up very well. At the same time, the baby can express whether he wants to eat or does not want to eat by turning his head, leaning forward, leaning back, etc., so that forced feeding will not occur.

The third point: the baby is always full
If the baby often cries in the middle of the night, or the child's sleep time is getting shorter and shorter, the number of feedings per day is also increased. The baby can basically judge that the baby is in a state of hunger. The baby will cry for a while and then want to eat. Therefore, when the baby grows faster in six months, it is necessary to add complementary food to the baby.

Fourth point: behavior is different
This is mainly to see some changes in the behavior of the baby in the daily life. When someone is eating in front of the child, the baby will be very interested. Sometimes he may use his hand to grab the spoon or grab the chopsticks with others. If at this time, the baby also appears to put his hand or the toys around him into the mouth, do not consider this is very obvious that the child is very interested in eating.

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Fifth point: eat
If the parents pick up the food and put it in the baby's mouth, the baby will try to take a look at the food given by the parents and also vomit the food. The baby will clearly show the smile and feel happy because of the food. . And they will feel that such food is delicious, expecting the parents to feed him again, indicating that the baby is very interested in eating, then we are confident to feed the baby with food supplements. But if you find that your baby is spit out food, or turning your head to one side and pushing your parents' hands, it is obvious that the child is not willing to eat or does not want to eat at all. Mom and Dad must not worry, you can try your baby in a few days. The reaction, patiently to feed your baby.

Of course, we also need to know that the addition of food supplements should be gradual, from small to large, from thin to soft, from soft to hard, from one to many. Remember to be too hasty, you can add muddy food at the beginning, and at least three days to watch, until the baby is used to a food is to add another food. At the same time, each time you add a kind of food, you should also observe the child's stool condition, see if the stool trait changes and the abnormal status. Once the situation is found, the food supplement is not suspended, and it is best to add food when the baby is hungry, but Don't choose to have your child sick or add food when the weather is hot.

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Good food for baby food is also a good foundation for weaning in the future. It is also necessary to meet your child's daily nutrition. Mom and Dad must pay attention to observe these changes during the baby's period from April to June. Don't miss these problems, otherwise you will find the baby. Do not like to eat complementary food, the baby is not willing to wait for the situation to bring trouble to the road of feeding. Therefore, we must pay more attention to some of the daily changes of the child, you can better raise your own baby.