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How strong is the corrosion resistance of stainless steel sealing barrels?

How strong is the corrosion resistance of stainless steel sealing barrels?

E-BON E-BON 2017-08-08 14:55:03
Today, to explain the stainless steel storage barrels, barrels and all parts of contact with the material are imported 304 stainless steel manufacturing, the inner surface of hard and smooth, with wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant features. The discharging is convenient and quick, and each person can complete the feeding, mixing, discharging and other processes independently. 

E-BON the stainless steel specialist, ice bucket supplier china.

More than three times more effective than traditional mixing equipment. The utility model has the advantages of time saving, high efficiency, energy saving, etc., and the storage material is suitable for the food industry and the chemical industry. Stainless steel barrel is made of stainless steel, easy to clean and avoid corrosion.

In our present industry, there are many places to use stainless steel sealed barrels, which can be used for wine or bucket, and can also be used for other industrial purposes. One of the materials used in stainless steel sealing barrels is corrosion-resistant steel. Corrosion resistant steel refers to the steel that is resistant to corrosion in a variety of strongly corrosive media, and the cost of such steel is not low.

E-BON the most excellent stainless steel company, which provide you with Stainless Steel Champagne Bucket china.

Under normal circumstances, the corrosion of stainless steel sealing barrels first through the point of corrosion, that is, in some parts of stainless steel can be seen some corrosion point. In this way, the corrosion points are generally deeper than the diameter of the surface, and in severe cases they can form perforations.

Another common corrosion of stainless steel is crevice corrosion, that is, corrosion at some seams or joints of stainless steel. Intergranular corrosion is a selective corrosion, with no fixed place and size, generally corrosive to the microscopic scale.

Corrosion resistant steel sealing barrel can reduce corrosion phenomenon in the usual daily maintenance, we in the usual time to pay attention to the clean stainless steel barrel, at the same time to ensure that does not touch the corrosion thing.

If you want to get more information about E-BON, you can click Stainless Steel ice bucket china.