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바로크 스타일의 예술적인 아름다움과 편리함, 실용성을 완벽하게 결합하여 독특한 아웃도어 라이프를 연출하려면 스테인리스 스틸 보온병을 선택하세요. 자연의 품 안에서 아름다움과 예술이 함께하며 야외의 모든 순간이 당신의 취향과 세련미로 빛나도록 하세요.

바로크 탐험: 스테인리스 스틸 모스크바 뮬 컵

미적 요구와 실용적 요구가 공존하는 오늘날의 사회에서 스테인레스 스틸 모스크바 뮬 컵은 바로크 스타일에 대한 찬사와 재창조를 상징합니다. 엠보싱된 에칭 패턴과 정교한 디자인이 돋보이는 스테인리스 스틸 와인잔으로 바로크 양식 특유의 아름다움과 우아함을 완벽하게 표현합니다.

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How To Make A Whiskey Sour Cocktail

How To Make A Whiskey Sour Cocktail

E-BON E-BON 2022-04-19 17:22:22

Whiskey sour,this is the cocktail that started it all. We have a myriad of cocktail recipes. But the first that got us hooked on great cocktails was this whiskey sour recipe! The whiskey sour is a perfectly sweet tart, balanced whiskey drink that actually dates back to the 1870’s. This recipe uses bourbon and maple syrup: and man, is it tasty! It’s become a family favorite recipe — you’ll see it often at our family parties. Here’s the recipe and how it came to be.

The whiskey sour (aka bourbon sour) is a classic cocktail that’s on the list of International Bartender Association’s IBA official cocktails. This means it has an official definition. Our version stays true to the original definition, with a few tweaks. The ingredients for making a whiskey sour recipe are simple! Here’s what you’ll need for this classic sour cocktail:
Bourbon whiskey: as high quality as possible (you can use any whiskey, but we prefer the flavor of bourbon)、
레몬 주스,Maple syrup or simple syrup、Garnish of orange peel and cocktail cherry.

I like to use maple syrup to sweeten our cocktails. It’s a natural sweetener and brings a nuanced flavor to a drink that simple syrup does not. In back to back taste tests, maple syrup always wins! Plus, we always have it on hand in our refrigerator. If you prefer the pure, straightforward taste of simple syrup, you can use that too.

More variations: Make the whiskey sour with honey syrup and becomes a Gold Rush! Or make a whiskey sour with lime or an amaretto whiskey sour.
Simply shake up the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice, and you’re good to go! The measurements in the recipe below: in both ounces and tablespoons to make it easy for family cooking. Just shake all the ingredients together in a cocktail shaker until cold. You can also cheat and just stir them together until the syrup has dissolved. Serve over lots of ice and enjoy! Try our clear ice if you want a stunning look.
Whiskey sours are traditionally served with a slice or orange and a cocktail cherry. You can also add an egg white to get a frothy foam topping: that makes it a Boston Sour! Go to Whiskey Sour with Egg White for more. When you make this drink with bourbon, you can also call it a Bourbon Sour.